Tag: new books

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Writing Journey

    Thanks for joining me this week. I’m so excited the 49ers are in the SuperBowl! It was an exciting, tense game to watch and it will be fun to see them in the big game. If you missed what the talented PG Forte had to say, just click and pop back. This week on the…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ New Year, New Books

    Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a good three day weekend if you had one. It seemed like we had loads of time and then all the sudden it’s Monday night and the kids have to go to school tomorrow and I have to get organized. The weather has also been a bit…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ New Goals

    Welcome fellow writers and readers. It’s great to have you here for our blog hop! I’m very excited to share that we will be traveling to the east coast of Canada for two weeks! We’re bringing the kids with us and can’t wait to show them around where we used to live and where my…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ New Year, New Writing

    Hello and welcome! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving however you celebrated it. We usually host with about 15 people, but because we have to be so careful, it was only our family and my parents. My husband made the turkey, stuffing and brussel sprouts. I made apple pie and pumpkin tartlets and my…