A California/Newfoundland author with romance in her veins

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ What Captivates You?

    Hi everyone! It’s finally getting a teensy bit cooler over here and I can wear a sweatshirt! Woo hoo! Tomorrow I’m leaving for New York! It was my 40th birthday present and my first time going. I’m so very excited, my mom and sister will be going with me and I cannot wait to do…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Pantser or Plotter?

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop everyone! My kids have their two week fall break, so I’ve been trying to fill it with fun things to do. It’s also been so hot here! I want fall to come now. I’m so tired of the heat. I took the kids to the zoo thinking it…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Read What You Write

    Welcome everyone to the blog hop! I hope everyone is doing well. I had such a busy week! It was absolutely crazy with short days at school for the kids, parent/teacher conferences, and a lot of writing for a contest I was in. This one was a rhyming story where they assign you a genre,…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Sneak Peek

    #lovechatwrite Welcome to the hop! I hope everyone has had a great weekend. I spent mine “resetting” the house. I cleaned the garage and organized some of it. I need to do a bit more but it looks soooo much better. I’m trying a new word. Reset. I’m hoping the kids will think it’s cooler…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Real Life in a Story

    #lovechatwrite Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog hop. I hope that you all had a great weekend and a good week so far. I’m in the midst of getting my application set for substitute teaching. I haven’t done it in a very long time so I’m a little bit nervous. Cross your fingers…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ History

    #lovechatwrite Hi all, welcome to the blog hop! It’s been a stressful couple of weeks for us over here, but I’m hoping it will cool down. On a happy note, but son just had his 10th birthday! I can’t believe he’s 10, where did those years go? He’s still my baby, but he’s no longer…