Tag: BBQ

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Where Have You Been?

    #lovechatwrite Hello everyone and welcome! It’s been an insane couple of weeks. I’m deep into swim season now and the kids are slowly getting better. It’s amazing to see their progress and to watch them make goals and beat them. As exhausting as this sport is, I do love it. Today we are asked to…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Spicy Smoky S’mores Bars

    Welcome fellow authors and readers! I hope everyone is enjoying the last bits of summer vacation before school starts. Unfortunately my kids start school before swim team ends. We didn’t get to go on any family vacation to the mountains this year. I’m hoping when we get a short holiday we can go somewhere, even…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Let’s Go Out

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop. I’m getting ready to go to my cousin’s wedding in Chicago and I haven’t seen this side of my family for more than 15 years! So I’m very excited to go and visit with family. If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click back…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Summer Fun… Having a Blast

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! Summer has come to an end, kids are going back to school, and the temperatures are cooling down. (Well sort of…) It’s still pretty warm here in northern California. I’m definitely ready for cooler weather. I like to sleep with blankets on. It’s just me and the wonderful…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Canada Day & 4th of July

    Happy Tuesday and welcome to our blog hop! If you missed what the talented Brenda Margriet had to say just click and pop back or follow the hop around. Today the amazing Dani Jace asks us: This is 4th of July week for those in the US, but most countries have an Independence Day of…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Desserts for BBQing!

    Welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone had an amazing holiday weekend. We enjoyed some family and friend time. We got to play volleyball with some great friends and get some sun as well. Then we got to BBQ with some family and hang out by the pool. It’s just me and the amazing…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Remembering

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! Are you ready for the long weekend? I sure am! If you missed what the talented Leslie Hachtel had to say just click and pop back. Today the wonderful Leslie asks us: Memorial Day is next Monday. Tell us a story of someone in your family who served.…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Where to Vacation?

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! It will soon be Thanksgiving and we will be entertaining 14 people including ourselves. I’m excited to see family and eat yummy food together. Did you miss what the amazing C.L. Marcolini had to say? If you did just click and pop back or continue on the hop…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Fireworks!

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! Did you miss what the incredible Brenda Margriet had to say? If you did, just click and pop back. This week is a time for celebration, Canada day was July 1st and Independence Day is July 4th. With all of the get togethers I’ve asked my fellow authors:…

  • Romance Writer’s Weekly – Let’s BBQ!

    Welcome to the blog hop! If you missed what the wonderful Brenda Margriet had to share, just click and pop back. Today Brenda asks us to share recipes: Summer is almost here, and with it barbecuing season. Let’s share grilling recipes!  I love to eat BBQ and I must say that my husband and my…