Romance Writers Weekly – Canada Day & 4th of July

Happy Tuesday and welcome to our blog hop! If you missed what the talented Brenda Margriet had to say just click and pop back or follow the hop around.

Today the amazing Dani Jace asks us:

This is 4th of July week for those in the US, but most countries have an Independence Day of similar celebration. What was your tradition growing up? Fireworks? Trip to the beach? Cookout? As an adult, what’s your favorite Independence Day activity or what would you love to do?


Our tradition growing up was to always have some sort of BBQ whether it was just with the family or tons of friends and we’d stay up late and get to watch the fireworks. Some years we would hunt and drive around for the best fire works in the area. Sometimes that worked, others it didn’t.

When I lived in east coast Canada we celebrated Canada day and always had a BBQ with our friends. Since fireworks are legal in St. John’s we would all pool in about $20 and one of our friends would go buy a ton of fireworks and set them off. It was the best time and I loved living there and watching the fireworks go off right in front of us!

It’s nice to celebrate both, although we have moved back to the states, we still celebrate Canada day. It lands on my mom’s birthday so we had a BBQ and drank lots of wine and talked, but alas no fireworks because we can’t set off our own in California.

So tomorrow for the 4th we will go have a BBQ and actually watch the fireworks! Can’t wait.

Now continue on the hop and see how the incredible Leslie Hachtel celebrates the Independence day. Until next time!


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