Romance Writers Weekly – What Are Your Valentine Plans?

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone has had a good week so far. I’m looking forward to a three day weekend, hopefully we can get away somewhere.

If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the amazing Leslie asks us:

Two days until Valentines’ Day. Why is it a special day for you (or not) and what are your plans.


Some years we like to amp it up and go out to dinner and a movie or stay overnight at a hotel, and sometimes we just like to make a peaceful dinner at home and rent a movie. It all depends on how we are feeling or how busy we are. I also have to get my son’s Valentines ready for his preschool class so that adds another layer of busy!

This year it falls on the same day my son has a swim lesson and we usually eat at my parents house. So we are all going to share in making part of the meal. My dad is going to make some type of meat. He is the best at cooking meat, I can’t wait. My husband is going to make a yummy vegetable of his choice. I am going to make the chocolate lava cake where it’s nice and gooey in the middle. Overall it will be a simple but delicious dinner.

I’m pretty happy with having a calm Valentines’ Day this year. I would like to go away for one night, but it doesn’t have to be this weekend. Getting away to Monterey would be a lot of fun, or somewhere else close. Hopefully we can make it happen.

I got a little something for the hubs and I hope he enjoys it. Then just some simple cards for some family and friends.

That’s it for me, I’ll leave you with a picture of the delectable chocolate dessert! Now continue on the hop to see what plans the talented A.S. Fenichel has for Valentines’ Day. Until next time!



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