Romance Writers Weekly ~ Flash Fiction

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone is doing well. It’s been a scorcher here. We had the opportunity to go camping in Yosemite last week and it was the kids first camping trip. I’ve never seen my son so happy to be playing around in the dirt, climbing trees and finding sticks. My daughter loved looking at all the wildlife and tried to imitate their sounds.

I thought it would be cooler in the mountains, but nooooo. It was so hot we all slept on top of our sleeping bags. The best part was laying in the river on inter tubes and just floating there. I hope we can go again next year.

If you missed what Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back.

I’m the instigator of today’s blog and I ask my fellow authors to write a flash fiction using just dialogue, enjoy!

“Death is an extension of life,” she whispered.

“No! You can’t leave me! he shouted.

“I’m in pain, it’s time for me to go. Celebrate my life, don’t mourn me. I want a party.”

“How can I give you a party? You’re leaving me.” he sobbed.

“I will always be here. You’ll see me in the waving trees, the ocean rolling along, the flowers dancing on the breeze, and the sun shining down.”

“You promised me you’d never leave me.”

“I didn’t intend to disappear, sometimes life wants to put you on a different path and this is mine.” she rested her hand upon his.

“I’ll be alone.”

“You’ll never be alone. There will be people who will carry you when you’re tired. Lift you up when you’re sad. Help you laugh when you need the love.”

“Please, please don’t go.”

“Wipe your tears. Be strong for me, be alive for me. I will finally be free.”

“I’ll try.”

“That’s all anyone can every ask, is to try. Have a celebration for me. Let everyone come over, sit by the fire and tell stories. I’ll be listening.

“How will I know I’ll be okay?”

“Carry my heart within yours. Carry my love. Take me wherever you go, and you’ll go places. I’ll always be by your side. You’ll be with me forever,” she said.

“Always,” he whispered.


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