Author: Jenna Da Sie

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ What’s In Your Fridge?

    Welcome to the blog hop! How is everyone doing? We’re trying to get resettled after our big vacation and two week break from school. Getting back into the swing of things has been difficult! All of us got up early and have been super tired! I think since we’ve been back a week now we…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Unknown Facts

    Hello everybody, I’m back! My family and I just came back from a 2 week vacation in St. John’s Newfoundland. It was amazing, incredible and wonderful. My husband and I lived there for six years and my son was born there. We haven’t been back since he turned one and he just turned 8! It…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ New Goals

    Welcome fellow writers and readers. It’s great to have you here for our blog hop! I’m very excited to share that we will be traveling to the east coast of Canada for two weeks! We’re bringing the kids with us and can’t wait to show them around where we used to live and where my…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Fall Flash Fiction

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! Today we have a flash fiction. Let’s celebrate the equinox. Write a scene set in Autumn using the words Leaf, water, and coffee. Try to keep it to 500 words. If you missed what the talented Leslie Hachtel had to say, click back and read her story! Here’s…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ So Many Books, So Little Time!

    Welcome readers and bloggers! It’s time for the weekly blog hop. It’s finally cooler this week and by a good 20 degrees, so I’m happy. Today we are asked what are we reading now and why did you choose it? If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Writing Difficulties

    Welcome to the blog hop everyone! I hope your Labour Day weekend was a nice one. We’re suffering 114 degree heat for the next week here in California. It’s insane! It’s way too hot to do anything except sit inside. I’m looking forward to next week when it cools down to the 90’s, hah! Today…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ It Smells Like…

    Hello fellow bloggers and readers. It’s almost the end of August and still hot as blazes here in Northern California! I’m ready for cool weather, fire pits, sweatshirts, and soup. The heat is too much and I’m done with it! If you missed what the talented PG Forte had to say, just click and pop…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ My Writing Journey

    Happy Tuesday fellow readers. I hope everyone had a great weekend. We’re back at it with the blog hop. If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back. Today our topic is: when did you start to write and why? I began my writers journey when I was…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Spicy Smoky S’mores Bars

    Welcome fellow authors and readers! I hope everyone is enjoying the last bits of summer vacation before school starts. Unfortunately my kids start school before swim team ends. We didn’t get to go on any family vacation to the mountains this year. I’m hoping when we get a short holiday we can go somewhere, even…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Past Memories

    Hello and welcome! It’s good to be back. I’ve spent this summer on a pool deck coaching swimming to kids of all ages. It’s been busy, crazy and fun. Now that I have a bit of a break before clinics start I can get back to some writing. If you missed what the incredible Andie…