Romance Writers Weekly – Fun Facts


Welcome to the blog hop! We are a group of authors who get together from all around the globe and write about a chosen topic. If you missed what the lovely and talented A.S. Fenichel had to say, click and pop back. This week she asks us:

When doing research for a book, what fun facts have you discovered that have no place in your book but they are too fun or awesome to not share? Give us one or two and if you can remember what you were trying to learn, that would be great too. 🙂

When I’m writing for a book I’ll try and write down as many of my ideas as possible, then I’ll go back and research certain things.

Last in my bookmarked history that I was researching was Sex In The Romance and that was all sorts of terms for men’s parts, women’s parts, and the different terms used for sex. I had a lot of fun and laughs looking that up. There is a part 1 and part 2 of the Sexy Thesaurus, enjoy! Some of these words made it in my novel, but not all.

The Sexy Thesaurus: A List of Words to Use in Your Romance Novel

Another item I was researching was expressions and what era they came into language. Like the word balderdash originated in 1675. Fiddle-de-dee is from 1785, and wasn’t didn’t come about until 1850!

There are a whole bunch more and it was great to learn which words I could use and which I couldn’t.

Here is the link:

Thanks for coming by, continue on the hop to see what incredible Leslie Hachtel has to say. Until next time!


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