Romance Writers Weekly ~ What’s In Your Fridge?

Welcome to the blog hop! How is everyone doing? We’re trying to get resettled after our big vacation and two week break from school. Getting back into the swing of things has been difficult! All of us got up early and have been super tired! I think since we’ve been back a week now we are on the right time zone. Now we have to get ready for Halloween. I love Halloween, and can’t wait to walk around the neighbourhood with the kids and look at all the other decorated houses.

If you missed what the wonderful PG Forte had to say, just click and pop back.

Today we are asked to get random: What is in your fridge right now? No cheating!

If you had asked me yesterday it would have been condiments and eggs, that’s it, haha! Alas, we went to Costco yesterday so we have food again. The prices for food have gone up, it’s crazy! Right now in our fridge we have: grapes, yogurt, english muffins, big brick cheese, spinach, gatorade, 2 packs of eggs, some leftover salmon and asparagus for tonight, pre-made salads, avocados (which are insanely expensive!) milk, water bottles, half open can of ginger ale, lot and lots of condiments, sun butter, apple butter and jellies, butter for cooking/baking, snack packs for lunches, my teeth whitening gel, and gel circles for puffy eyes or when you have a headache.

We need to buy more food because my 8 year old son is ALWAYS hungry. I can only imagine what happens when he’s going to be a teenager…so much food will be going into his belly!

Sometimes we have more snacky type foods, but most of the time it’s some type of meat, veggies and fruits. I’m probably not the favourite all the time because we don’t have super sugary foods. However the pantry holds fig bars, coconut strips, pringles and other things like that.

Well that’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see what the incredible Brenda Margriet has in her fridge. Until next time!

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Compliments for LOVING:

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