Romance Writers Weekly ~ What Movie Would You Watch?

Good morning everyone! I hope that it has been a good weekend. Mine was kept busy with birthday parties, garage sale and a 500 word writing contest. I receive a genre, an action and a word that I must incorporate into my story and 48 hours to write it. This time around my genre was fairy tale or fantasy, my action was building a tree house and my word was flag. When I first received my assignment I thought I would have lots of ideas, but my brain came up blank. I eventually wrote something and turned it in with two minutes to spare!

Today we are asked If you could see one movie again for the first time, what would it be and why?

What an interesting question! I asked my husband and he said he would want to see The Matrix again for the first time because it just blew his mind. At the time there was not another movie like it and it tested the boundaries of what if.

As for me, I would watch Star Wars again, and again. I loved everything about Star Wars when my dad first showed it to me. It must be the originals though, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Something about those films captured my imagination. The space, the fantasy, the characters, everything about it was just incredible.

When I do show Star Wars to my kids, I’m starting with those. I strongly dislike the first three movies. I think they could have done so much better. The last three were okay but not as good as the original.

Another movie I would love to see for the first time would be Anne of Green Gables. Anne with an E is my favorite. I love everything about her. I try to rewatch Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea every year. It makes me happy and I just love Anne and Gilbert.

Well that’s it for me today. If you missed what the talented PG Forte had to say head back, or pop on forward to see what movie the wonderful Leslie Hachtel would want to watch for the first time. Until next time!

Check out Leslie’s book The Dream Dancer the first book in the Dance Series.

Lady Bryce has a gift.
She can enter dreams and persuade her will onto others.
It has served her well, especially in eliminating unsatisfactory suitors of her father’s choosing.
But when she encounters Lord Rowland she wants him more than any-thing and decides to visit him in his sleep and make him desire her above all others.
As a virgin, she has discovered a diary from a leman who describes seduction in detail.
When she has driven Rowland to the edge of longing, she extracts a promise that he will marry her.
As time passes, Bryce and Rowland fall in love.
But will their love be able to conquer all once Bryce’s secret is revealed? Rowland must decide if he truly loves her or has been bewitched.



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