Romance Writers Weekly – Resources

Welcome, welcome, welcome! I hope everybody is diving into the holiday spirit. We’ve already been to cookie exchanges, an ice skating party and now we all have colds. Nothing says holiday like having the stomach bug go around your house… at least I can curl up on the couch and still write.

I have provided the topic for today and I ask my fellow writers: What are some helpful tools and resources that you use for writing? 

If you missed what the wonderful Tracey Gee had to say, just click and pop back.

Well first things first..


That is always a helpful tool when writing. It gives you brain power. Yup, I claim it does.

Haha, anyway back onto other important resources. One of the research tools I use is google. It is very helpful for me to search the regency era. I am able to find the types of clothing, food and location I want in my novels.

I’ve used this website and tried the Beat Sheet. I found it very useful to set the novel up. If you know what the whole story is going to be about then you can set it up through the beat sheet. Or if you write as you go it can still help in trying to decide what the next stage of your story is.

Since I’ve had my short story published and everything is online now I’ve found that I need a tutorial on social media. I found this extremely helpful in using twitter and what hashtags your should use as an author.

The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writers Guide to Character Expression is an amazing tool!! I love it! It gives you examples of an emotion and then shows you the different ways you can show that emotion. I highly recommend it.

One more resource that I’ve used is from someone’s blog. She wrote one called the Sexy Thesaurus – A list of words to use in your romance novel. I didn’t want to keep repeating the same phrase over and over again. She has compiled a good list of names for lady and man parts and on her part two she writes about actions. I found it very useful when I first started out.

Of course I always ask my fellow authors questions. I hope they don’t find me too annoying… I always have millions of questions.

Now please continue on the hop and see what the talented A.S. Fenichel uses for resources. Thanks for joining, until next time!

And don’t forget to pick up your copy of Holiday Hearts: A Christmas Romance Anthology where I have my first published work! Available on Kindle, Kobo, iBooks







2 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – Resources”

  1. Chocolate is always a resource. Always.

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