Romance Writers Weekly ~ Past Memories

Hello and welcome! It’s good to be back. I’ve spent this summer on a pool deck coaching swimming to kids of all ages. It’s been busy, crazy and fun. Now that I have a bit of a break before clinics start I can get back to some writing.

If you missed what the incredible Andie Fenichel had to say, click and pop back.

Today we are asked if we can remember our earliest memory.

One of the earliest things I can remember is my dad teaching me how to ride a bike at my old elementary school. We’d go there on the weekends and practice because it was flat and we lived on a hill.

He would hold onto the back of my bike let me go and run beside me. One time, my dad let me go and I rode all around the playground. I was riding in and out of the tetherball poles and crashed right into it. It hurt so bad! I fell off my bike and got super scrapped up. I told my dad I never wanted to ride again, but he helped me get back onto the bike and told me to never give up.

I have lots of memories of my dad teaching me things like baseball in the driveway or basketball. It was a very fun childhood memory.

Well that’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see what the amazing Brenda Margriet first memory was. Until next time!

Check out Brenda Margriet’s newest book, Loving Between the Lines

A story about personal challenges, accepting change, and most of all, love.

LOVING BETWEEN THE LINES…now available in both print and ebook. Amazon, Apple, Nook, Kobo


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