Romance Writers Weekly ~ My Writing Journey

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! This past weekend my husband and I got the chance to travel to Chicago to see my cousin get married. I haven’t seen half my cousins on that side of the family for 11 years! I can’t believe how much time had passed without seeing each other. The wedding was magical and it was just wonderful to see family that I haven’t seen in many years. I can’t wait to see them again, just not eleven years later.

If you missed what the incredible Jill Haymaker had to say, just click and pop back.

Today we are asked: How’d you get started in your career? How’d you get to where you are today? What’s next for you?

I’ve always written poetry since a young age. I still do when my thoughts need to get out of my head. In terms of writing novels I actually didn’t start that until I lived in Newfoundland.

I moved to St. John’s with my husband after we got married and when I arrived, I couldn’t work for six months. I had to find something to occupy my time so I met a group of newcomers. I met one friend and we’ve been really good friends ever since. She said she was going to join a writing group and asked if I wanted to join. I said yes immediately.

Soon after a story began in my head about a woman from England traveling to St. John’s to find a husband in order to save her family from ruin. It took a long time to write it, as I’ve never written a full length novel before. I loved writing the story. Living in St. John’s while the story was unfolding felt special.

I’ve since moved from St. John’s and I miss it so much. I’m living in California now and I don’t know if it’s the change in lifestyle or something else but I find it’s much harder to write here. When I lived in Newfoundland, I found the words flowed out of me.

Recently, I’ve been entering writing contests through NYC Midnight and that’s been a blast in getting my creativity out. They have contests for 100 and 200 micro flash fictions, 1000 and 2500 word fictions. They assign you a genre, subject and word you have to use in the story. It’s been so much fun writing those!

Now I’m hoping to continue writing flash fictions contests and one day to write another novel. I want to write a prequel to the novel I originally wrote even though it ends differently. I want to put all of my poetry into a book and get that printed. I would also love to put all of my short stories into a book as well.

That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see how the talented Leslie Hachtel got started in her career. Until next time!

Check out Leslie Hachtel’s book Bound to Morocco.

Drugged and kidnapped, Shera finds herself on a ship to Morocco to serve the Sultan. Abandoned and alone, Shera must find a way to escape and confront the people who betrayed her. She gets help from an unlikely source: the man who kidnapped her. When their partnership turns to love, the two must face constant danger to endure. But will they ever be free?


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