Romance Writers Weekly – Let’s Go Out

Hello and welcome to the blog hop. I’m getting ready to go to my cousin’s wedding in Chicago and I haven’t seen this side of my family for more than 15 years! So I’m very excited to go and visit with family.

If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click back or continue around.

Today the lovely Fiona Ripley asks us:

I’ve started a new paranormal series that takes place by the beach. So far, in my current work in progress many events take place during the day and maybe I’ve neglected the evening hours. Makes me wonder do you prefer day or evening outings? These could be for a fun date or just hanging out with the family or friends. What’s your pleasure?

When my husband and I were younger and didn’t have kids I would say the evening was a favourite of ours. It still is, but just not all hours of the night. We really enjoy game nights now a days. We’ll have friends come over for dinner or even after and we’ll bring out a game and play for a couple of hours and enjoy each other’s company.

Now it’s nice to just get a day date too. You can do a lot during the day, especially during the summer months. There are art and wine festivals to go to, late afternoon park visits, hiking, BBQ’s, etc, picnics. We also like to get the adults together and play volleyball games.

I love movies and movie dates are a lot of fun. Evening ones are nice because you can go eat dinner before or after and spend time with a friend or loved one. Sometimes we can’t get to an evening one and we end up going to an afternoon movie. Hey they are cheaper and you still have some of your day left when you are done!

I know I’m going to be weirdo and not really answer the question, but the truth is that I like both. Sometime I’m in the mood to go out in the evening and other times I just want to hang out during the day.

Now continue on the hop and see what the amazing Fiona Ripley has to say. Until next time and enjoy those outings!


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