Romance Writers Weekly – It’s Cookie Time!

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful time getting into the holiday spirit. One of my family’s traditions and my favourite is getting together and baking the Christmas cookies!

If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say, then just click back.

Today the lovely J.J. Devine asks us to: share our favorite holiday cookie recipe?

This recipe has been passed down from at least my great grandma, maybe even farther back. I always remember Christmas time with Nanaimo Bars!

Here is the delicious recipe:

Nanaimo Bars


½ cup butter

¼ cup sugar

5 T. baking cocoa

1 tsp vanilla

1 egg beaten

  • Cook all in double boiler until thickened.



2 cups graham crackers crumbs

1 cup coconut

½ cup chopped walnuts


  • Spread this mixture in a 9×13 pan and put in freezer


Mix: Frosting Middle

¼ cup butter

3 T milk

2 T vanilla pudding mix

2 cups powdered sugar

  • Frost top of bar and put into freezer


Melt in double boiler: Third chocolate layer

1 T butter

4 squares semisweet candy making chocolate


  • Top with melted chocolate, cut right away and store in fridge.


These are SOOOOOO good, you can’t eat just one. I’ve warned you. 😉 


Now continue on the hop and see what the amazing Brenda Margriet has to share with us. Until next time!


PS: I have a cookie exchange on Friday night and I’m going to be trying a new recipe for holiday cookies called Moose Farts! 😀 (As part of funny Newfoundland cuisine. I’ll share the recipe later!)


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