Romance Writers Weekly ~ I Stand With My Pack Charity

Hello and welcome! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families and friends. We always host and had a lot of fun eating, watching football and playing games. It was nice for the kids to have a week off. We played with some friends and had sleepovers.

We also got to go to SF Fan Expo which was co cool! We got to see Billy Boyd who played Pippin in Lord of the Rings, Elijah Woods (Frodo) and Sean Astin (Sam), also Lord of the Rings. I didn’t get to see Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) because his prices were so expensive! My sister and I got to meet Henry Winkler which was just the coolest. He is the nicest, kindest man, he said hello to my family and gave my kids signed pictures and a book without charging anything. I would definitely go back to Fan Expo! It was very hard to wake up this morning after sleeping in, reading in bed and drinking coffee all week.

If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say, pop back.

Here is our topic this week: Today is Giving Tuesday. Feature one of your favorite charities and why it’s important to you.

One important charity to me is; I Stand With My Pack –

The reason why this is so important to me is because I have a swimmer who is the most wonderful boy I know. He’s kind, considerate, loving to everyone he meets and cares about animals so much. This is his charity that he supports. Last year we found out that he has a brain tumor. He’s been through so much and through it all he keeps going, he stays positive. He puts all his energy into making sure others are happy and animals are saved. He is an incredible young man.

I Stand With My Pack charity is a female-run, non-profit organization that works locally and internationally to save the lives of animals and prevent suffering and cruelty.

That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see what charity is important to the talented Brenda Margriet. Until next time!

Don’t forget to check out Brenda’s book ☃🤩 The Promise of Frost 🎅🎄

A Seasoned – and Seasonal – Novella

An adventurous kitten, a curious dog, and a matchmaking eight-year-old guarantee this will be a holiday to remember.

Luca Tannon’s new neighbour is a sexy but surly single dad. Which is all for the best since she’s intent on reclaiming her life after a toxic long-term relationship.

Caleb Frost won’t let anything distract him from ensuring his son’s first Christmas as the child of divorced parents is perfect. And that includes the irritatingly intriguing woman living next door.

Everything is going as planned…until it’s not.(Single Dad, Christmas/New Years, Neighbours to Lovers, Gender Role Reversal, Steamy, Slow Burn, Open Door. Heroine is 32, Hero is 41)



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