Romance Writers Weekly – Fireworks!

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! Did you miss what the incredible Brenda Margriet had to say? If you did, just click and pop back. This week is a time for celebration, Canada day was July 1st and Independence Day is July 4th. With all of the get togethers I’ve asked my fellow authors:

What are you doing or did you do for the 4th of July or Canada Day to celebrate? Did you see any good fireworks?

It’s been pretty awesome since we’ve moved to Canada and back to the US that we get to celebrate both days! July is also my mom’s birthday, so another celebration. This year we had a birthday party for my mom which was awesome and I made a very tasty chocolate cake with coffee icing, YUM! We didn’t get to see any fireworks for Canada day, even though we heard them throughout the neighbourhood.

It’s unfortunate that we can’t buy fireworks legally down in here in the US. Every year we were in Canada a group of our friends would pool together some money and we would buy an awesome set of fireworks and set them off, it was so incredibly cool!! Since we can’t buy our own, we are going to a friends house to eat food and hang out, once it gets dark we can see the fireworks from her house so we don’t have to drive anywhere and sit in crowds.

I’m hoping to start off our day with a nice long walk around the reservoir so I can eat all the yummy food that will be provided to us. I think it will be a pretty good day, even though it’s in the weird part of the week and you still have to go back to work for three more days, booo! Anyway I hope everyone has had a fantastic holiday whether you are in the US or in Canada.

Now continue on the hop and see what the amazing S.C. Mitchell has to say about his holiday. Until next time, enjoy the fireworks!


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