Romance Writer’s Weekly – Favourite Childhood/Young Adult Books

Welcome to the blog hop where we authors get together, ask different questions and write a reply each week. So if you missed what Kathryn Renard had to say, just click and pop back.

Today we are asked: We all love to read so much, what were your favourite books as a child/young adult. List some from each.  

Too many to count! I love to read and always have. From when I was very young I remember the Dr. Seuss books, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Where the Wild Things Are, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and many more.

As a young adult there were not as many titles and selections as there are today but some of my favourite are The Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce about a girl who disguises herself as a boy to become a knight. It’s amazing!! She also wrote The Immortals series, The Protector of the Small series and Circle of Magic series.

Another series is of course Anne of Green Gables! Those are my all time favourite and I try and re-read them every year or so.

I loved the Princess Diary Series by Meg Cabot and now I love her adult series.

There are so many more, but then my post would be miles long! How about continuing on the hop to see what Brenda Margriet has to say. Until next time!
