Romance Writers Weekly – Delicious Cookies!

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! The holidays are in full swing and we are finishing up our Christmas shopping, and now starting on the holiday treats. This time of year is hard… it’s time for all the delicious cookies, candies, and treats, yum!

If you missed what the amazing Clair Brett makes just click back, or go forward to see what the incredible Leslie Hachtel is baking.

Today I provide the topic for my fellow authors. I ask them:

Do you do a holiday cookie exchange? If so what cookies do you make? If you don’t, what treats do you and your family make for the holidays?

My family and I have a tradition of making holiday cookies. In the beginning it was just my mom that made them, then my sister and I joined in. Now I will begin to teach my son so he can pass the recipes along as well.

For many years, I used to bake my families recipes and drive them from house to house so all my friends would have delicious treats for the holidays. Now that we live close to my parents, we have a day where we bake all day long and listen to fun music.

One of my friends hosts a cookie exchange and I’ve gone to that the past couple of years. I’ve come home with way too many cookies! I can’t wait to go again this year.

The cookies that I make with my family are Nanaimo Bars, Thumb Prints, Almond Roca and Snickerdoodles. Sometimes I make Strawberries, but those are super sweet.

I just love to bake and can’t wait to get started.

That’s it for me today. Enjoy eating your tasty treats. Until next time!


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