Romance Writers Weekly – Author Lunch

Welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone had a great week. It’s been pretty rainy here and the one nice day we had over the weekend, I had to work! I’m bummed I missed the beautiful weather, but I know it will be back soon.

If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click and pop back, or continue on the hop to see the amazing Leslie Hachtel’s post.

Today the talented Leslie asks us:

If you could have lunch with any (living) author, who would it be and why?

Oh what a good question! There are so many amazing authors out there, I don’t think I could just pick one. My first choice would be Meg Cabot because she is one of my all time favourite authors! I love everything she writes. I would love to sit and chat and ask her where her fantastic ideas come from. She has a series of four books that are all told through email, online chat, text message, and journaling. They are just amazing. The way she weaves the characters together is just incredible. I would love to have lunch with her.

Another author for me would be the one who got me reading romance books in the first place and that is Sara Bennett. Her book The Rose and the Shield was my first ever romance book and since then, I’ve been hooked. I know she writes under a couple of different names so it would be fun to sit and talk with her and find out why she did a pen name and what she likes most about writing. I think I would have a fabulous time chatting with her.

One other author I would like to have lunch with would be Stephen King. With so many books, his mind must be filled with incredible, crazy stories. Some of those stories are so dark and scary. I wonder how he can write them. I think he would be a very interesting lunch date.

Well there you have it. Those are the authors I would like to have lunch with. Now continue on the hop to see which authors my fellow author friends would like to have lunch with. Until next time!



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