Romance Writers Weekly – A Writer’s Inspiration

Hello, hello, hello! I hope everyone had a great long weekend. We spent ours with some family, a very cold volleyball day and a birthday party. It’s been one of the colder months of May we’ve had in a very long time. It rained yesterday while half of us played volleyball and the other half huddled under pop-ups together. It was nice to spend the weekend with both friends and family. Tell me, what did you do?

If you missed what the talented Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the wonderful A.S. Fenichel asks us:


When you started out as a want-to-be author, was there someone or something who/that inspired you? Tell us about it.


I’ve always enjoyed writing poetry from a young age which is probably where my inspiration started. Being an avid reader growing up has brought a lot of books to me and I think reading all sorts of different genres helped to inspire me farther. It wasn’t until I moved to St. John’s, Newfoundland where I really had the chance to sit down and write. When I first moved there I wasn’t able to work and had a lot of free time on my hands. A new friend of mine from the newcomers group asked if I wanted to join a writing group that met once a week for 8 weeks, and I said sure!

That is where the real inspiration hit. With that writing group I was introduced to 3 other fantastic writers. Some who had been published before and others who had a book in the editing phase. It was a great group to be with. I got so much advice and made some lifelong friends. We are now 4.5 hours apart, but still find some time to chat every now and then. I really miss one of the women in the group because we would get together every week and sit at one of our houses and write. It was so nice and it kept my motivation going.

As always Meg Cabot has been an inspiration to me. I just love her books. She writes for so many different ages, it’s amazing. I love her Boy Series and have reread them so many times! I’ve had the chance to meet her and listen to her talk and one of the best pieces of advice she gave was writing is like working out, you do that every day so you should write every day even if you only have 10 minutes. With my crazy busy life, I know I can definitely find 10 minutes! It makes writing a lot easier.

I’m working on a novel right now and hopefully I can get some more of it finished before my daughter arrives. Those 10 minuets a day have been helping me along. Well that’s it for me, now continue along the hop to see what inspired the incredible A.S. Fenichel. Until next time!



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