Romance Writers Weekly – My Special Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day and welcome to the blog hop! If you missed what the talented A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click and pop back. Today the wondeful Leslie Hachtel asks us: What makes Valentine’s Day so special for you?

I’ve always had ups and downs with Valentine’s Day. The years that I was alone weren’t that great, although, I have taken myself out on some pretty awesome dates, haha! The years with someone and now my husband have always been fun.

My husband and I celebrate Valentine’s day different each year. Last year we went out on a movie and dinner date, a couple years before we went to a concert, this year we bought some lobster tails and are going to cook up some dinner with dessert and watch some of our T.V. shows. It’s going to be perfect. Even if we don’t do anything we always get each other a card.

I think that what makes it special to me is the cards, I love getting mail. I send Valentine’s to my friends and family each year. My mom and dad always send me one even though we live close. I also like to bake, so I make some yummy valentine cookies. This year I might try to make brown sugar cookies to share!

I’m looking forward to my lobster tails, broccolini, garlic bread and molten chocolate cake tomorrow! YUM! And cuddles on the couch, I love to cuddle.

Continue on the hop and see what makes the amazing Leslie Hachtel’s Valentines so special. Until next time!





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