Author: Jenna Da Sie

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

    Welcome fall! Yay, it’s almost sweater weather. We had a super hot 95 degree day on the first day of fall but now it is much cooler and we can sleep with the windows open. It’s so nice! I spent this past weekend with my sister in law and other bridesmaids in Napa to celebrate…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Book to Movie

    Hello fellow readers! I hope everyone is doing well. Only a couple more weeks and my son goes on his fall break. I think we are going to try to get away and visit the beach. It might be cold, but it will be nice to get out of town for a couple of days.…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Reading Seasons

    Welcome to the blog hop. Technically it’s almost fall but we are still in the high 90’s here! I’m so ready for the cooler weather. I want sweater weather, a warm coffee and bubble baths. Hopefully we get a reprieve soon and I can start enjoying the fall. If you missed what the talented Caro…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Time to Relax

    Hello fellow readers! It’s so great to be back! We took a bit of a break but now we are ready to swing back into the blog hop. The fires are back in California. I’d hoped we would have a bit a reprieve this year, but no such luck. It’s hot and the air is…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Flash Fiction

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone is doing well. It’s been a scorcher here. We had the opportunity to go camping in Yosemite last week and it was the kids first camping trip. I’ve never seen my son so happy to be playing around in the dirt, climbing trees and finding…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ It’s Movie Time!

    Hello fellow readers! I hope everyone had a fantastic Canada Day and 4th of July. We kept it pretty low key and went over to my in-laws for a swim and burgers on the grill. My son had a great time throwing all the pop-its on the ground. If you missed what the talented Caro…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ What’s Your Name?

    Hello fellow readers! I hope everyone is doing well. I’m excited for the holiday coming up, we’ll have a bit of a break from swim team and other things. I’m not sure what we’re going to do, but it would be nice to get away. If you missed what the wonderful Leslie Hachtel had to…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ Dreamin’

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and a wonderful Father’s Day. It was extremely hot here this weekend and we hid inside the whole time. I got to take my husband wine tasting and then we finished off the day with a BBQ at my parent’s house.…

  • Romance Writers Weekly~ Happy Father’s Day!

    Hello and welcome! Thanks for joining us today, it’s always nice to have our readers enjoy the blog hop. This week is going to be a HOT one! It’s going to get up to 105, EW! I don’t like it when the weather is this hot. You just can’t do anything except stay inside. Hopefully…

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ What’s Your Pet?

    Welcome everyone! Thank you again for joining our blog hop. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I’m now into full time swim team mode. We’ve started morning practice now and I have taken on the task of coaching three days a week. If you missed what the amazing Leslie Hachtel had to say, just…