100 Books in 2016!

I love to read! You can find me reading at some point in the day. Most of the time it is later in the evening, but sometimes I will get a quiet morning. I curl up on the couch, tune everyone out and read for a little bit. Well until the little one starts pulling on my leg or pokes me in the eye and says mama with a big drooly smile.

This year I decided to do a reading challenge. I’ve never known how many books I’ve read in a year so I’m going to start with a base of 100. I could read more, or I could read less depending on how busy I become. I’ll catalog how many books I read and write down the titles.

Old books count as well! Sometimes you just need to reread a book that you love. So I will still count that book as part of the tally.

I like to to escape into other worlds and forget about daily life problems. There is nothing better then escaping. So lets delve into new stories and see where they take us. Come on this journey with me and see how many books you read this year! Maybe I will even start a twitter handle/hashtag. #100books2016

And I’m off!




Gone With The Wind



Shopaholic to the Rescue

Once Upon a Time – Red’s Untold Story


The Mediator #1







Levana’s Story



One response to “100 Books in 2016!”

  1. Tom Dixon Avatar
    Tom Dixon

    My Name is Lucy Barton

    The News from Spain

    You might like them both, though not romance exactly. I enjoyed your first blog of January….keep it up


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