Tag: stephen king

  • Romance Writers Weekly ~ What Scares You Most?

    Hello wonderful readers! How is everyone doing today? This past weekend was HOT, and it’s only supposed to get hotter. Ugh, where did my spring go? I still enjoy the cooler weather. Click back if you missed what the talented Leslie Hachtel said. Today Brenda Margriet asks us about buried treasure. Ghosts. Locked room murders.…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Author Lunch

    Welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone had a great week. It’s been pretty rainy here and the one nice day we had over the weekend, I had to work! I’m bummed I missed the beautiful weather, but I know it will be back soon. If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Quotable Quotes

    Welcome to the blog hop! We’ve had a massive heat wave so I’ve been inside hiding away writing a flash fiction comedy. I entered a two day 1,000 word contest. Now I must wait to see if I moved on to the next round, I hate waiting. So if you missed what the fantastic Brenda…

  • Calling All Dinner Guests!

    I missed this past weeks blog hop with Romance Writers Weekly but I loved the topic so much I just had to write a blog about it myself. The question was: If you could have any author (dead or alive) sit down to dinner with you, who would it be and why? So many authors…

  • Romance Writers Weekly- August 18th

    Another week, another blog! I’m starting to get a hang of blogging now and it is great fun. Trying to figure out a time to write one in the midst of moving across country on the other hand is hard! But I loved the topic this week so I decided to take some time off…