Tag: hiking

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Game Night!

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! I just came from a nice relaxing weekend in the Lake Tahoe mountains. We spend 4 days and 3 nights and it was wonderful! My parents came with me, my husband and our two kids. I have to say our 3 month old did fantastic! She slept the…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Let’s Go Out

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop. I’m getting ready to go to my cousin’s wedding in Chicago and I haven’t seen this side of my family for more than 15 years! So I’m very excited to go and visit with family. If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click back…

  • Romance Writers Weekly – Fall, Wonderful Fall

    Hello and welcome to the blog hop! The weather has finally turned a bit cooler and I can wear sweaters again. Don’t get me wrong, I love the warm weather, but I was ready to put on some sweatpants and cuddle up under a blanket. If you missed what the talented J.J. Devine had to…