Romance Writers Weekly ~ You Googled What?!

Welcome back from Thanksgiving, black Friday, small business Saturday and cyber Monday! Whew what a mouthful! I can’t believe all these things happen within 5 days. I went out for pjs on Friday as that’s our Christmas eve present to the family, but it was insane out there! I usually don’t go to any store because it’s crazy and I was right!

Thank you for joining us! Today our question is:

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever googled in the name of research for your writing?

Oh so many weird things you can google while writing! I’m sure whoever is spying on my search history is like what is this person thinking?!

Some of the random things I’ve searched are what kind of poisons can make someone sick, kill someone or how to heal using herbs. How long can you stay in a box underground without air?

There are some searches about how long it would take to travel across the Atlantic in the 1800’s, what do they wear, how many courses for dinner/supper? How long do their balls last? Did you know most of them didn’t start until around 11p and ended in the early hours of the morning! Could you imagine?

I search different types of names for sci-fi, romance, futuristic, horror, etc.

I can’t wait to google things for the next novel that comes out of me! Who knows what it will be.

Well that’s it for me. Continue on the hop to see what the incredible PG Forte has googled in the name of research. Until next time!

Don’t forget to check out PG Forte’s book Light Up The Night which you can pre-order now, releasing December 13th!

Heather is having the worst Christmas ever! Or, at least, the worst Christmas since she was forced to become a vampire. Her sire’s distracted, her nestmates have forgotten her, weirdos have taken over the lair. The only bright spot in her life right now is Drew–who didn’t even used to like her! She knows he’s fond of her now, but that’s not good enough. She wants more. She wants everything. She wants him. And she’s not giving up. 

Drew Geiger gave up on love a long time ago. Such tender emotions have no place in a vampire’s heart. But, somehow, the girl he once described as a “feral kitten” has got her claws in him, and she’s not letting go. That would be fine, if only someone didn’t want her dead–and if her sire didn’t recall that it was Drew who once suggested that maybe she’d be better off that way.


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