Romance Writers Weekly ~ Writing Tools

Welcome to the blog hop! The weather is getting warmer already! Swim team is in full swing and I can’t believe that my son only has a couple weeks left of school. He’s going to be in 3rd grade next year and my daughter will be starting pre-school. Where has the time gone?!

Today the incredible Brynn Paulin asks us: Do you have favorite writing tools or things that are a must while you write (particular pen, scent, sound, etc)

I always have music on when I’m writing. My sister made this classical music mix years ago when we could still burn CD’s and it is awesome. I love to put the CD on and just let the music take me away.

Another thing I always have with me is a special pen that I received as a gift. It’s from Maui ocean center and I love the way it writes! It’s a heavier pen and writes so smoothly.

I know some author friends who can watch a show/movie while they write, but I just can’t do it. I get too distracted and will want to watch what’s on the screen.

When my husband and I lived in Canada, we would spend a day in a coffee shop. I would work on my writing and he would do his freelance work. It was the best. That was sans kids when we actually had time to ourselves, haha. I always found that writing somewhere else helped me. I would get into the zone and be able to write a couple thousand words. Nowadays I fit in little bits of writing when I get the chance.

Well that’s it for me today, pop back for Brynn Paulin or continue on the hop to see what the amazing Brenda Margriet needs to write. Until next time!

A SEASON FOR LOVE is now available! Thirteen steamy contemporary romances, including Brenda’s novella, SECRETS UNDER THE COVERS. Two long-time friends…one impulsive seduction…zero percent chance their lives will ever be the same again.

A Limited Edition Collection of Steamy Contemporary Romances Sometimes forever begins after forty. A collection of fiery and passionate contemporary romances featuring characters in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond. These authors don’t close the bedroom door on the good stuff, so be prepared to get hot and bothered in the best of ways. After all, lust has no age limit! Sensual and sexy stories will keep you up all night and daydreaming all day!


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