Romance Writers Weekly – Writing Difficulties

Welcome to the blog hop! I’m so glad you are here. I hope everything is going well with everyone. We are in the middle of a massive heat wave! It’s so hot, too hot to go outside. 103 degrees F and 41 degrees C! It’s hard for my son right now because we would be right in the middle of swim team and we haven’t been in a pool since March! Hopefully we’ll be able to jump into one soon.

If you missed what the amazing Brenda Margriet had to say, just click and pop back, or continue on with the incredible Elizabeth Schechter and come back around.

Today the wonderful Clair Brett asks us:

What do you find most difficult about writing what you write? It could have to do with certain scenes, plotting, dialogue, whatever trips you up. How do you approach those things?

For me I think it depends on the day. Sometimes the dialogue just doesn’t come and I can’t get out of my head what I want my characters to say. Or it does come out and they seem flat or one dimensional instead of layered.

Others times it’s the plot and trying to figure out each and every detail for it. I get caught up in making everything perfect that it doesn’t always work out, or I end up repeating myself. I often have to write it out and go back over it a couple of times to fix it until I like it.

Most of the time I just have to keep working through it. Other times I’ll send it out for feedback and see what people think. I’ll either use their ideas, or keep what I had. When it’s really hard, I’ll walk away from it for a couple of days and then come back when my mind is fresh.

Most of my writing time happens at night, so I get tired and have to rewrite. I don’t get much time during the day, so I try and make the most of my time. I’d like to get more time in the morning, but they get so crazy!

Well that’s it for me today, thanks for stopping by!

Now check out Elizabeth Schechter’s newest book Bones of Earth (Heir to the Firstborn Book 3) out today!

Shattered by betrayal, Aria’s Companions have separated. Aven and Del have retreated to the safety of the Water tribe, leaving Owyn and Treesi behind on land to stand with Aria and help their wounded Heir heal. Despite their best efforts, Aria retreats, rejecting them both.

Owyn knows that he and Treesi can’t do this alone. He starts riding out to the coastal villages surrounding Terraces, sending messages out to the deep, begging Aven to come back, telling him that the Heart can reach the Heir. Then he returns from one such trip to find Aria and Treesi have left Terraces, leaving him behind.

Abandoned, Owyn leaves Terraces. Instead of following Aria, he goes north, trying to find a way to contact the Water tribes. Trying to find a way to save everything before it’s too late.

To do that, he must face his deepest fear, risk losing his heart, and accept help from the most unlikely of allies.


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