Romance Writers Weekly ~ Wide Awake

Hello and welcome to the blog hop. It’s fall and almost Halloween! Fall is my favourite, but I wish we had more fall-like weather. It was 95 degrees over the weekend! Waaaaay too hot for me! We can’t even carve our pumpkins until 2 to 3 days before Halloween or they go moldy, ick.

If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today Leslie prompts us with this:

It’s 2 in the morning. You wake up and you hear a scratching sound. What is it?

So I decided to ask my six year old son this question. He looks at me and says, mom it’s a cat playing with a paper bag. I couldn’t help but laugh, he so logical.

If it were two in the morning and I heard scratching sound, it would be my son at the door trying to scare me. He’s very into scaring right now and I think that if he had a chance, he would totally do it.

It could also be the branches scraping against our windows, clawing to try and get in.

Or as in Anne of Green Gables, it’s the cold creeping fingers on your neck of a widow looking for her lost husband.

I won’t be able to sleep now, haha.

I have to go with the creepy versions, especially during the halloween season. We recently watched IT and that just scared the living daylights out of me. Then The Shining, which wasn’t too bad.

That’s it for me today. Now continue on the hop to see what the wonderful A.S. Fenichel has to say.


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