Romance Writers Weekly ~ Where To Write?

Hello and welcome! This week we are prepping the house for Thanksgiving. Lots of cleaning and preparing the food. I’m making the pies and my husband is making the turkey, stuffing, brussel sprouts and gravy. The rest of our family bring the appetizers and sides. I can’t wait for the family to get together, eat and play games.

If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today we are asked: Where do you write? Do you need to be in the same place all the time or do you move around? Share photos if you like.

I have a desk upstairs in our loft, but I also share that loft with with the kids toys. So sometimes it’s not the most peaceful place to write. I do love my desk though! I write downstairs on the couch because I can stay up later than everyone in the house and it’s quiet.

It’s also nice to go to a coffee shop or a book store to write. I tend to do that when I really get away and write. My husband has the office downstairs because he works from home. It would be nice if we had a bigger space to put my desk in there as well.

Right now, I’m sitting here on the couch because no one else is here except the dog and she’s asleep, haha. I’ve tried writing in the morning, but I think I’m better at night even though I get tired.

So I definitely have to move around when I write.

Let’s find out where the amazing Jill Haymaker likes to write. That’s it for me, until next time!

Don’t forget to check out Jill Haymaker’s Christmas in Aspen Ridge Box Set Come home to Peakview County, Colorado, high in the Rocky Mountains in this three book box set of heartwarming, holiday romances for 50% off the price of buying them separately. All three seasoned romances feature seasoned characters who prove it’s never too late to fall in love.


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