Romance Writers Weekly ~ Where Have You Been?


Hello everyone and welcome! It’s been an insane couple of weeks. I’m deep into swim season now and the kids are slowly getting better. It’s amazing to see their progress and to watch them make goals and beat them. As exhausting as this sport is, I do love it.

Today we are asked to describe a recent outing you took. Where did you go, who did you go with, and what did you do?

The most recent outing we took was to the King of the BBQ fest for Father’s Day. That was pretty fun. We met my parents and got to spend time with them. We got to listen to music and look at some booths. We ate some food there that was insanely expensive and I will not be doing that again! However, it was fun and to watch the kids go on rides.

Actually yesterday evening our swim team went to the A’s game. It was bittersweet. The A’s are no longer going to be in Oakland, they are moving to Las Vegas. The team had a great time with nachos, hot dogs and all the treats. The kids went to bed way too late but I think they had fun. My mom came with us and the kids talked non stop. I’ve had a $50 bill in my wallet for over ten years. My grandpa gave it to me for one of my birthdays. He’s since passed away and I never knew what to get with it. Well I felt it right in my bones that I get a sweatshirt from the game and that is what I did. Now I have a special memorabilia for both my grandpa and the A’s team.

That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see where the amazing PG Forte has been. Until next time!

Don’t forget to get PG Forte’s book A Taste Of Honey Oberon Series book 4 here!

For Lucy Greco Cavanaugh, life is a dream come true.  She has it all. The perfect family. The perfect husband. The perfect marriage. What more could she wish for?  Other than the chance to do it all again. 

Sometimes you get exactly what you wish for.  And it’s more than you’d ever dreamed.


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