Romance Writers Weekly – What’s In Your Purse?


Welcome, welcome! It’s blog hop day and that means one of us lovely writers picks a topic and the rest of us write about it. If you missed what the wonderful Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back. Today’s topic comes from Brenda Margriet and she asks us: What’s in your purse? What does what you carry tell others about you? 

Which purse? Haha, just kidding. I only have 4 purses or so. I like to change purses every so often, so I have a few small ones and a few big ones. It also depends on what I am doing that day or week. I like bright coloured purses. I have an orangey-red one, a bright blue one with the British Flag, a colourful striped one and a small black one. I also have a diaper bag, it fits everything I need, but I don’t know if you can call that a purse…

Right now I am carrying a beautiful Fossil purse that I received from my birthday. It is nice and big. I can fit many important items inside of it. (Even my computer if I need to!)


Right now this purse carries: my wallet, also fossil (I may be a tad obsessed, but they make such nice things!) keys, coupons, safeway gift card, diapers, wipes and epi pen for toddler, lip gloss, notes, a book ( I always carry a book with me, and my phone (used in taking this photo.)

I think it tells people that I am a busy person on the go. I have everything I need right here. If I’m waiting, I have a book. If my son poops, I’ve got diapers. I usually have some sort of snack for both of us but we have eaten our snack for the day. I also carry around my water bottle to keep hydrated if I’m out for long periods of time.

It’s nice to have a bigger fancy purse to carry around all my items. However, I do have some smaller purses that are quite cute and good for popping out without the whole family.

Thanks for the fun question Brenda. 🙂 Let’s see what the talented A.S. Fenichel has in her purse. Continue on the hop, until next time!



2 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – What’s In Your Purse?”

  1. Love the bag! You’re a bit of a Mary Poppins too, like me. =)

    1. Thanks! Yes I do like to carry around things just in case I need them. 🙂

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