Romance Writers Weekly ~ What Scares You Most?

Hello wonderful readers! How is everyone doing today? This past weekend was HOT, and it’s only supposed to get hotter. Ugh, where did my spring go? I still enjoy the cooler weather.

Click back if you missed what the talented Leslie Hachtel said.

Today Brenda Margriet asks us about buried treasure. Ghosts. Locked room murders. What is your favourite kind of mystery story? Or do you avoid those altogether?

Ohhh I don’t often read mysteries but when I do, I like to read about ghosts or missing persons. I loved Girl on a Train, that one was all kinds of crazy!

I definitely want to read more of the genre. We recently read Anxious People in book club and I really enjoyed that one. It was a semi mystery and I had fun trying to figure out what happened to the bank robber.

My husband voraciously reads Stephen King. Whenever a new book comes out, he’ll be reading it. I’ve read a couple and they are pretty scary. I’ll have to get up my nerve to read some more.

I can’t wait to see what A.S. Fenichel’s favorite kind of mystery is. Continue on the hop with her. Until next time!


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