Romance Writers Weekly – What Inspires You?

Well, I’m back at it for another week. Last week was intense! I have been working on editing my novel, and it sure takes a lot of time. I did five straight hours of editing one day, my brain was fried after that! I’m happy that I get to spend some time writing/blogging, because sometimes you just need a break.

We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what Fiona Riplee had to say, just click and pop back. Today’s topic comes from the amazing J.J. Devine and she asks:

What inspires you? Music? Reading? Movies? People in your life? Situations in life? What gets you motivated to sit down and write?

What inspires me? When I sit down and actually think about it, many things inspire me.

The lyrics of a song have prompted more then one poem from me. Sometimes that one line of a song can sum up your feelings. This past week I’ve had the line from Snow Patrol’s Chasing Cars buzzing in my head: “If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world.” I enjoy writing poetry and I will go off on my own and write some rhyming scheme. I find that if I’ve had a bad/good day, poetry has helped me with a certain mood.

Reading has always inspired me. I love the ideas of other people’s novels. I often wonder how they think of such amazing stories. It prompts me to find my favourite chair and let the ideas in my head swim around so I can them put them on paper. If I don’t like an ending, I like to think about how I would have changed it. If I’m really inspired by it, I will sit down and write my own ending.

Situations in life are definitely inspirational. You can think about your day to day life and write about it, or someone you know. I’ve put some of my experiences into my characters back story. To me it makes them feel more real. I think there are so many ideas out there that can be based on situations in life. I just have to draw them in and write a story about them.

Most of my motivation right now comes from knowing that I only have a couple hours during the day while my son naps. Maybe a few at night if I’m not too tired. I take those few precious hours and sit down and write. Some days I’m filled with inspiration and others, it alludes me. But no matter if I write 500 words or 50, I still have tiny black blobs written/typed on a piece of paper going toward my next novel.

One thing that truly motivates me is my fellow authors. Some of my very good friends are authors and when they have their book published or promoted, it strikes a chord deep inside. They encourage me to keep writing no matter what. I still look up to them for inspiration and always will.

That’s it for me today. Talk of inspiring, I’m off to write! Now continue on the hop and see what J.J. Devine has to say about what inspires her.


6 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – What Inspires You?”

  1. Having limited time to write is definitely a good motivator, Jenna!

  2. Great post! 5 hours of editing. Brutal!

    1. I’m slowly getting through it! 😀

  3. Yup, you have to just keep swimming forward.
    Write on.

  4. Gemma Brocato Avatar
    Gemma Brocato

    I’m totally with you on being around other authors. That is motivating.

  5. I love how music inspires you to write poetry. I never was able to get into poetry until last year and I found that I really engages a different part of ourselves.

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