Romance Writers Weekly ~ What Did I Learn?

Welcome, welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone is doing well. I just finished writing a 2500 word short story for a contest. I had 7 days to do it, but with kids and sports the time seemed to fly by.

For this contest they assigned me a genre, subject and character, which all had to be incorporated into the story. I was assigned mystery and I’ve never written that genre before so it was a challenge for me, but I had fun! That’s the most important part of writing, love what you do.

Today I pose this question to my fellow writers:

What are the top three things you learned last year?

I thought this would be an easy question when I wrote it down a couple of weeks earlier, but now I have to think about it.

  1. I learned how to make up fun games and activities to do with my kids so they wouldn’t get bored out of their mind! We made slime, went on bike rides, played make believe lego Avengers and a whole lot more.
  2. I learned that I needed to be more patient when we found out we would be doing remote learning with my son for first grade. I feel so bad for him because he’s not seeing any other children his age except on zoom. I had to be patient when he needed breaks from school work and only do little chunks of school at a time, then go outside to play and come back.
  3. I learned I do have time to fit most things in during the week. I just have to plan everything out. I have time to write. I have time to clean. I have time for house renovations. I have time to read. I just have to make sure I don’t fiddle around. I know I can do it.

That is what I’ve figured out this past year. I hope I can keep it up and make this year a great year!

Continue on the hop to see what the talented Leslie Hachtel has learned. Until next time!


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