Romance Writers Weekly ~ What Captivates You?

Hi everyone! It’s finally getting a teensy bit cooler over here and I can wear a sweatshirt! Woo hoo! Tomorrow I’m leaving for New York! It was my 40th birthday present and my first time going. I’m so very excited, my mom and sister will be going with me and I cannot wait to do all the things and be a tourist.

Today we are asked: What makes a love story captivating?

I think many things do. Especially having a strong heroine and a gruff but lovable hero. The stories that have good chemistry between the characters and a plot that moves the story along making you want more is the best kind. Reading a novel that is slow paced and all over the place doesn’t captivate the reader.

Some of my favourite love stories are the enemies to lovers. There’s something about that troupe that just captivates me and always leaves me wanting more. Sara Bennett and Anna Harrington are some of my favourite authors that do this troupe so well, and I’m always excited to read their next book.

Of course the characters have to have some trials along the way before they end up happily ever after. I’m a big fan of the epilogues. I love when a story has one. I find that it finishes everything up so nicely, rather than leaving it ‘unfinished’ in a way. Adventures always make the story move, I find that every romance needs a little adventure.

Those are the things that captivate me the most when reading/writing a love story. That’s it for me to day, now continue on the hop to see what the incredible PG Forte thinks is captivating in a love story. Until next time!

If you haven’t read The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown, I urge you to read it! It’s sooo good! Talk about a book that grabbed me right away and made me read late into the night. Check it out here!


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