Romance Writers Weekly – The Threshold Guardian’s

Back to another week of blog hops! I don’t have my computer with me this week, it’s gone in for maintenance, sooo I’m writing on the iPad. Should be interesting and take me twice as long but that’s okay. Today is a warm and sunny day out. 

Welcome to the blog hop! We have a blog ho going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. I’m starting off the blog hop today, so join in! Today’s topic comes from the lovely Fiona Riplee and she asks us: Over the years of writing stories, I, like many writers, hear about the hero’s or heroine’s journey. As part of the journey the main character runs into a Threshold Guardian that puts roadblocks or obstacles in their path to prevent forward movement. What Threshold Guardians have you, as an author, experienced in your hero’s/heroine’s journey to being an author. 

I have to say I needed to look up what Threshold Guardian meant. The description was: a figure or event that tests the resolve of a Hero as he pusues his destiny and/or his goal. 

Well I had many tests for both my hero and heroine. The big one being both in love with each other but so many obstacles are in their way, especially in their own thoughts. 

For me as an author my hero and heroine have voices. They tell me what what want and how they want their story written. The hero told me someone needed to die to make her story stronger, so that is what I did. It’s been an interesting journey writing this novel and writing these characters. They have so much to say. 

Sometimes the characters want to do something and it just doesn’t make sense to me. I will write it out and then delete it and try to write again. I might spend a day just going back and forth and try to figure out what is supposed to happen. So that is a big threshold for me. There is always the dreaded writer’s block where no one is talking, everything is silent. I try and write, but not a word comes out. 

I’m sure there will be more thresholds from new characters as I continue to write. I have a prequel in mind and already I can hear the heroine’s voice telling me what is going to happen. I guess I need to start writing and see where the characters take me and what threshold guardians are going to be in my way. 

That’s it for me today! What are Leslie Hachtel’s threshold gaurdian’s? Continue on the hop, until next time!


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