Romance Writers Weekly – Stranded

Hello and welcome! Everyone in my family is getting over an illness and I’m hiding away hoping I don’t get it. It’s been hard to get some writing done while taking care of everyone so this is my chance to write.

If you missed what the talented Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back. Today the lovely Leslie asks us:

If you were stranded on a desert island (with plenty of water and enough food), what is the one thing you would have to have with you to survive?
Well it’s a good thing we’ve been given plenty of water and food. I guess it could be considered a paradise, but if I was alone then it would become quite boring. If I wasn’t alone I would bring a board game, so we could always have something to do.
If I had to bring one thing with me I would probably bring a book. I would say my Kindle but I could run out of power and not have any books at all. Now the question would be, what book?
I don’t know how I would choose a book, but I know I would have to. Probably something funny with romance and adventure. Now I have to go look through my books to see which one that would be.
What would the incredible A.S. Fenichel bring with her? Continue on the hop and find out.


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