Romance Writers Weekly ~ Spring is in the Air

This week on the blog hop A.S. Fenichel asks us what our favorite thing is about Spring and to share a Spring related memory.

If you missed what Clair Brett had to say, just click and pop back.

One of my favorite things about Spring is the weather. It is the perfect temperature. It’s not too hot and it’s not too cold. You can wear shorts or pants, long sleeves or short sleeves.

I love how the days are warm, but the evenings are still cool enough that you can pile on the blankets.

I can’t remember a specific Spring related memory, but I can recall being able to stay out later and play in the front yard and on the street with friends.

We just redid our front patio and I’m so excited! We can now sit out here and enjoy the Spring weather. Here are the before and afters. When we first moved in, we had terrible bushes and we ripped them out ourselves, then we moved to sand which all the kids dug around in, now we did pavers all the way. All we need to do is get some patio furniture and we’ll be all set!

That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see what A.S. Fenichel’s favorite part of Spring is. Until next time!

Get all A.S. Fenichel’s news first when you sign up for her Newsletter. This week she’s showing off her fabulous new Demon Hunter covers.

A.S. Fenichel


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