Romance Writers Weekly- September 1st

Hello again! It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve written, and I’ve missed it. Now that the giant move across the country is done I can relax a bit. Hopefully I will be able to find a good place to sit and write. Here’s to a good writing future from the west coast!

We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click and pop back! Today’s question comes from Jeanne McDonald and she asks:

What is one of your favorite quotes from your book(s).  Explain the reason why it’s your favorite and its significance to the story and characters.

I have a lot of favorite quotes from my novel. However, I think this one sums up the beginning of James and Rowan’s relationship.


“What, what are you doing to me?”

“I don’t know what came over me, I’m sorry.”

“You… you can’t just keep doing this!”

James ran a hand through his hair. “Doing what I might ask?”

Rowan walked away from him and threw her hands up in exasperation. “Arguing with me, kissing me and then ignoring me. You pretend that nothing has happened between us!”


It was hard to choose just one, but these quotes are one of my favorites because you feel the tension between the two main characters. They care for each other but don’t want to admit it yet. They go throughout the book “hating” but loving each other at the same time.

I enjoyed writing the conflict between James and Rowan. The dialogue between the two of them fueled me to continue writing about their lives. Most of their arguments came out before I had the rest of the story written.

I look forward to choosing another favourite quote from my new work in progress another time!

That’s it for me today! Thank you Jeanne for the great question. Now continue on the hop and see what Sarah Hegger has to say. Until next time!


5 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly- September 1st”

  1. Carolyn Spear Avatar
    Carolyn Spear

    Awesome choice! That sexual fire created by the friction of fighting. Hot!

  2. You have so much tension in your quote. Wonderful choice.

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