Romance Writers Weekly – September 15th

Good afternoon! How is everyone doing on this wonderful Tuesday? The weather has cooled down a bit so I am able to write outside without melting into the ground! Right now I’m sitting in a swinging chair, writing away.

We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what Dani Jace had to say, just click and pop back! Today’s topic comes from Fiona Riplee and she chose:

Flash Fiction 500 words or less. Write a cute meet. Character 1 profession: photographer. Character 2 profession: insurance agent.

This was a fun one, enjoy!


Everly squinted at the small black lettering on the tinted glass window. Gabriel De Luca, Insurance Agent. She stood and brushed the golden curls away from her face, then smoothed her hands down her red sundress. Her hand paused on the doorknob. She didn’t want to do this.

The door chimed as she walked in. No one was in sight. She glanced around at the sparsely decorated room. A large desk sat in front with papers stacked neatly in one corner.

“Hello?” She called out.

“I’ll be right with you.” A masculine voice replied.

She saw a picture on the wall and walked over. A large snow covered mountain stood behind an ice blue lake; the sun peaked through the clouds just as it set. Everly smiled. It was a picture that she took when she went on a month long tour of Alaska. She wondered how it ended up here in an uptight insurance office of all places.

Photography was her life, along with her love of extreme sports. There was only one problem. She needed insurance, but no one would sell it to her because of her thrill for adventures. Each agent she spoke to thought she was too risky and didn’t want to invest in her. Yet here she stood, waiting to be seen by another person who would tell her she was too chancy.

A noise sounded behind her. She turned, the sun slanted through the window and blinded her for a moment and she smacked into something hard. Damn that hurt! The camera on her shoulder banged into her hip. She tried to regain her balance as her hands ran over her camera, there was a small crack in the lens.

“You broke my camera!”

Something reached out and steadied her. Everly glanced up into the darkest blue eyes she had ever seen.

“Are you alright?” Asked the deep voice.

Holy mother of man! She couldn’t stop staring. His blonde hair fell into his eyes, as he looked on in question. Her arms tingled where he held her. His gray suit formed to every hard line of his body. Strong leg muscles bulged as he walked her over to a chair. She tried to utter a word, but nothing came out. He must be some kind of God sent down to earth to make mere mortals swoon.

“Miss, did I hurt you?”

Everly shook her head and clenched her hands together. “My camera is broken. How am I to do my work now?”

The God frowned. “I assure you, I didn’t mean to break your camera.”

“Well you did. Now I won’t be able to take pictures tomorrow when I swim with the stingrays.” She grumbled.

His eyes narrowed when she stuck her lips out. “Are you mad? You’ll get stung!”

“No I won’t. I know what I’m doing.” Everly tried to walk away.

“Please, I’m sorry.” The God reached for her hand.

A shiver of anticipation ran throughout her body. How could one touch turn her body into a quivering mass of want? Everly glanced into his deep blue eyes again, and was lost. Yes, she wanted him.



That’s it for me today! Thank you Fiona for the great topic. Now continue on the hop and see what J.J. Devine has to say. Until next time!


3 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – September 15th”

  1. Loved it, Jenna. Nothing like a melt for a man moment. 🙂

  2. I can see the future conflicts with these two. 🙂 I was disappointed there wasn’t more. I loved how it was the woman into extreme sports in order to get the ultimate picture.

  3. The fiery touch of a handsome stranger with anticipation of more to come. 🙂

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