Romance Writers Weekly ~ Pantser or Plotter?

Hello and welcome to the blog hop everyone! My kids have their two week fall break, so I’ve been trying to fill it with fun things to do. It’s also been so hot here! I want fall to come now. I’m so tired of the heat.

I took the kids to the zoo thinking it would be cooler on the other side of the bay… It was not. We ended up going from shade to shade and then eating ice cream, haha. This week I took them to the California Academy of Science. They have an albino alligator name Claude and my daughter absolutely loved him! You can walk through a butterfly rainforest and see frogs and snakes. It’s a super cool place!

Today the question posed is Do you write chronologically from the start of the book to the end, or do you write scenes and then piece them together?

My method is a little bit of both. Most of the time it’s chronological and I have the idea in my head from beginning to end. However, sometimes a piece of the story will pop into my mind and I’ll have to write it down. One time it was in the middle of the story, another time it was the very end of the story! I had to figure out how to get there. Granted, this was a short story but still.

When I get stuck and the story isn’t flowing I’ll usually jump around. It sometimes helps me get back in my groove. I recently had a rhyming challenge to write. It was 750 words and I had the first couple of stanzas written down, then I was stuck. I took a break and then a middle piece came to me. I wrote it down then was able to go back to the beginning.

So again, my method is a bit of pantser and a bit of plotter depending on the day or the writing that I’m working on. That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see how the wonderful Leslie Hachtel writes her novels. Until next time!

Check out Leslie’s book Payback HERE!

Several surprises await Beth Abbott when she returns to her small town. As a detective, she expects very little in the way of interesting crime. But victims of a female serial killer change that. And then, there’s Tom. Another detective with the local force, he wants to capture not only the perpetrator but also Beth’s heart.


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