Romance Writers Weekly- October 27th

Welcome back! Hopefully everyone is doing well and in the Halloween spirit. Do you have a costume yet? Our little family is going as part of the Avengers, we are very excited! I can’t wait to see photos of everyone’s costumes. Anyway, on to blogging…

We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back! Today’s topic comes from the amazing Victoria Barbour and she asks:

Let’s play a game of would you rather… with as much or as little explanation as you wish. As an added challenge, if you can find photos for each of these, bonus points. Yea. Points. I’m making this a challenge to all of us RWW bloggers.

Would you rather – eat haggis or chocolate covered bugs?
Would you rather – skydive or scuba dive?
Would you rather – red headed hotties or blonde haired hunks? (Cause we all know we love brunettes the best!)
Would you rather – no reviews or all three star reviews?
Would you rather – be stung by one wasp 10 times or 10 bees one time?

These are great! Let’s see how this goes.


Would you rather – eat haggis or chocolate covered bugs?

UGH! Both of these are majorly disgusting! But I think I would have to go with chocolate covered bugs… at least the sweetness of the chocolate would cover up the grossness of the bugs. Plus I love chocolate. 1626_1298_popup

I do not love sheep’s heart, liver and lungs mixed with onions and spices and stuck in the stomach lining where you eat it from. EWWWWW!2014-01-21-haggis-690x420

Just no. I couldn’t do it. Give me the chocolate covered bugs any day!


Would you rather – skydive or scuba dive?

Ohhh this one is a tough one. I would love to do both! I’ve done the ifly before. That’s where they put you in a skydive suit and goggles, then you go into this circular glass wind tube. It pretty much simulates skydiving without having to jump. Plus you still get the thrill of flying.

However, because I am a water person, I would love to go scuba diving. I think it would be especially amazing to do it on the Great Barrier Reef! What amazing fish, animals and plants you would see!scuba-divingThis is definitely on my bucket list!


Would you rather – red headed hotties or blonde haired hunks? (Cause we all know we love brunettes the best!)

Yes it is true that brunettes are the best. I’ve always been attracted to dark haired men. If I had to choose between a red headed hottie and a blonde haired hunk I think it would have to be a blonde haired hunk. That makes me seem bias because I have red (actually auburn) hair. And red on men just don’t do it for me. Well maybe if it was a nice dark red like Eddie Redmayne that would be okay. eddie_redmayne_2010_01_26

HOWEVER… because blonde is better on a man. I choose HIM!!c8a2f3d2845d04a56e94d126c85dc2e0

Oh my heart be still! Chris Hemsworth is my favourite blonde hunk!


Would you rather – no reviews or all three star reviews?

I definitely would rather have all three star reviews. Yes it may mean that you are average; having a couple of pros and a few cons. In my opinion, having three star reviews is better than no reviews at all. How would anyone know if your book was good or not. Well besides looking at the cover…

If I see something without any reviews I usually just bypass it. That will include movies, doctors, recipes, etc. I think having reviews would help to make you a stronger writer, as well as giving a person a thick skin against all the trolls out there.

So give me the positive, give me the negative. Give me three stars. 3-Stars



Would you rather – be stung by one wasp 10 times or 10 bees one time?

Eeeek! That would hurt so bad!!!!

And as my mom said when I asked her: “well I would be dead. I’m allergic to them.”

If I absolutely had to choose, it would be to get stung by 10 bees at one time. The bees would die right after they sting you. The wasp could keep on stinging you more times then ten because they don’t die after they sting you. You could walk by a bee and it wouldn’t sting you, but walk by a wasp and it will sting you just for the hell of it. I’ve been stung by both working on a pool deck every summer. The wasp sting definitely hurts more!

AND wasps look way more scary and evil than bees!! Bee-vs-Wasps


That’s it for me today! Thank you Victoria for the great topic. I had a lot of fun with this one! Now continue on the hop and see what A.S. Fenichel has to say. Until next time!


7 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly- October 27th”

  1. I miss you terribly! That being said, I love how you’d rather go for the bugs (ugh) than the haggis, which honestly, is a lot like sausage. I guess you didn’t have it at Kate Robbins’ launch party. Awesome answers, by the way. I’m so glad you’re blogging.

  2. I’m with your mom on the bees/wasp question! Victoria has murderous impulses!

  3. Wow, you’d really do bugs?
    I have to admit that your ginger guy vs. the blond made me hesitate on the reds.
    Enjoyed the read:-)

  4. Gemma Brocato Avatar
    Gemma Brocato

    Eddie Redmayne. Enough said! You put a lot of thought into your answers. Very nice.

  5. I’ve had chocolate-covered bugs, and haggis (not together, thank you Oxford comma!) I’d take the haggis any day. So yummy! Yeah, ten bee stings wouldn’t be good if you had an allergy, but I’d still prefer that over the wasp. They’re just evil. 😉

  6. Ha! Fun answers. Haggis is delish. I had it several times in Scotland and it never came all gross in a giant round stomach. It looked more like sausage and tasted like liver and oatmeal.

  7. Awesome answers! And Chris Hemsworth. Do you think he’d let me just stare at him for eternity?

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