Romance Writers Weekly – November 24th

Happy Thanksgiving! I love this time of year when you get to eat lots of food and spend it with family. We have a big group this year, fourteen and a 20.5 pound turkey! Anyway, on to writing…

We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what Jeanne McDonald had to say, just click and pop back. Today’s topic comes from the amazing Betty Bolte and she asks:

Our surroundings influence our mood and view of the world as much as setting in any story. What is the view outside your window, or what would you like the view to be?

Surroundings greatly influence my writing. Sometimes I am fine sitting at home on the couch, where other times I need to be outside or in a coffee shop. I guess it depends on the mood I am in, or what scene I am writing in a book.

If I’m thinking/writing a romantic scene, I find that I am better when writing at home. I don’t know if it’s the quiet or the fact that people won’t be able to “see” the sex scenes flowing from my mind to my computer. However, sometimes my only outing for the day is sticking my son in the childcare at the gym and working out. So if I get the chance to sneak away on his nap, then I head to the coffee shop to get up and out of the house. Getting away helps clear my mind and I am able to do some of my best writing.

Right now the view I have outside my window is pretty awesome. It is one of my favourites. I look out the window and see small trees and plants growing around a little backyard stream. No it is not my backyard, I wish it was. We’ve been staying with my parents so we can save and find a place of our own.

This is always such an awesome view in the morning. The dew droplets cling to the plants and rocks like small perfect circles. Sun is shining on the top corner of the yard where there is a little chair and table ( a perfect writing place. ) The trickling rush of the stream as it flows under the bushes and down onto the rocks. Birds chirp to one another and take baths in the water. It is a great place to look out the window at every part of the day. The afternoon sun perks up the flowers and the lights that surround the backyard in the evening almost look like fairies.

The only other view that I would want is of the ocean. I love the ocean more then anything. I would love to look outside my window and see the waves crashing against the shore. This is what I miss most about St. John’s. I could see the ocean every day. I wasn’t close enough to see it out my back window, but it was there when I went for a walk. I think water is very powerful element for me. It grips me and always holds me in its grasp. So if there is an ocean near by, that is where you will find me writing away. Maybe I need to write a novel surrounding water…

That’s it for me today. I hope you enjoyed my view of the backyard. Now continue on the hop and see what Betty Bolte has to say about her view.


2 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – November 24th”

  1. Yup, ocean-view seems to be popular with this group.

  2. YES! I see a retreat at the beach in our future. 😉

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