Romance Writers Weekly – November 17th

Good afternoon, and welcome to the last half of November! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what Sarah Hegger had to say, just click and pop back. Today’s topic comes from the fantastic Jeanne McDonald and she asks:

List the top ten items on your bucket list. Put them in order of priority and explain why they’re on your list.

Well I don’t know if I have a top ten, but here it goes.

  1. Buy a house and create a wonderful home for my little family. It seems that we always miss the best time to buy a house, for some reason or another. It would be nice to have a place to call our own, decorate and host family.
  2. Get my book published!!! As well as start another one. I think I have some more stories in me.
  3. (Which I was lucky enough to do just a couple of years ago) See Les Miserable in London. My husband and I took a trip to London and that was on our list of things to do. It was absolutely fantastic. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  4. Go to Italy and meet the family that I have over there. My mom’s side of the family is from Italy and I would love to go there and learn about our history.
  5. Go ziplining! I think it would be the ultimate rush of adventure. Flying through the trees at top speed. Wahoooo!
  6. Here the geek in me comes out. I love Harry Potter. I want to spend a week in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. I think it would be a blast!
  7. TRAVEL. I want to go explore. I’ve been a few places, but would love to see more of the world. Even just planning a trip across the U.S. and Canada and hitting all the famous landmarks.

I think that seven out of ten is a pretty good bucket list. Too bad I couldn’t think of another one as eight is my lucky number. As you can see most of it is traveling, but that’s okay. I’m ready to buy a house, get my book published and see the world!

I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts today. Now continue on the hop and see what Leslie Hachtel has to say. Enjoy!



3 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – November 17th”

  1. I wish you luck with those, and that book dream will happen. Just don’t give up before it has a chance to happen for you

  2. Jeanne McDonald Avatar
    Jeanne McDonald

    All the luck in the world in getting published. Don’t give up on that dream. And I’m sooo jealous of Les Miserable in London. What an amazing experience that must’ve been.

  3. We always seem to miss the right time to buy a house as well. I had given up on having a home decorated to my taste and then I found this book called the Nesting Place and its about decorating for the temporary home and I fell in love. Now I’m working on making my rental feel more like my home.
    Congrats on book one and good luck on book two 🙂

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