Romance Writers Weekly ~ My Writing Journey

Happy Tuesday fellow readers. I hope everyone had a great weekend. We’re back at it with the blog hop. If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today our topic is: when did you start to write and why?

I began my writers journey when I was younger. I started by writing poetry because I had a really deep connection with the free form, the structure, and the rhyming. I was able to write my feelings down and it helped me with many things. I didn’t start writing stories until I was much older.

However, when I was cleaning out my garage a couple of weeks ago with my mom, I found this little notebook. Like super small. When I flipped through it, I found the date and I was about 8 years old. I had written a little story about 2 dogs and a bad man who was trying to capture them. I think we must have been reading Where The Red Fern Grows in school at the time because I named the dogs Old Dan and Little Ann, haha. I’ve since written down a couple more but that must have been where my whole journey started.

I continued to write poetry through university and even used it as my senior project. It wasn’t until I moved to Canada in my mid 20’s that I began my first novel. I couldn’t work at first so I took a writing course with a friend that I had just met and it was so much fun. I completed most of my novel during those workshop sessions.

Since then I’ve entered contests with varying word counts 2500, 1500, 1000, 250 and even a 100 word one! I haven’t written another full length novel in a long time, but I’m feeling the itch to write one. My oldest is in school full time and my youngest just started preschool, so my hope is for 2 hours 2 days a week I can get some writing done.

I can’t wait to see what story lies within me next. I’m ready to write again. Well that’s it for me today. Continue on the hop to see when the lovely PG Forte’s writing journey started. Until next time!

Don’t forget to check out PG Forte’s novella Such Fleeting Pleasures!

Love wasn’t always strawberries and cream for Lucy and Dan Cavanaugh…or was it? In this Oberon prequel, we travel back in time to see how it all began. 

Although the Oberon series is not currently available (look for the re-boot in 2023) you can access a FREE DOWNLOAD of this novella when you join my newsletter group.


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