Romance Writers Weekly – My Tasty Valentine

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! Are you ready to have a steamy day? Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I’m ready for some chocolate!

If you missed what the amazing Leslie Hachtel had to say just click and pop back. Today the lovely Leslie asks us:

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Why is it special for you? And what do you wish for?


I remember the days of writing Valentine’s and sending them to the people in my class. It was fun to see the different cards people would hand out. Now it’s my son’s turn to do it, except I don’t remember Valentine’s day when I was three and a half. He seems pretty excited, or rather he’s more excited to wear the shirt my mom made him of a white goat on a red shirt saying Haaaaaaappy Valentine’s Day. I think that is the best.

My hubby and I have decided to keep it low key for the past couple of years. Plus it’s so expensive to go out! We decided to make our own fancy dinner. Last year we made lobster tail and green beans. This year we are going to make (or attempt to make Gordon Ramsey’s beef wellington!) We are going to add a side of mashed cauliflower puree and asparagus. Well I will be at work for most of the prep part so my hubby will be making most of it. I’m very excited to eat this and I love cooking food together! Hopefully it looks like this….

I wish I didn’t have to work so late so I could help make this delicious meal, but I know my hubby will do a great job. He loves to cook. Maybe we’ll even rent a movie and cuddle on the couch together. And eat lots and lots of chocolate. Also drink wine.

Well that’s it for me. Continue on the hop and see what the talented A.S. Fenichel has to say about her Valentine’s Day. Until next time!


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