Romance Writers Weekly ~ My Sweet Valentine

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! Did everyone have a good weekend? Did anyone watch the Super Bowl? Honestly this year we had no interest in it. We aren’t fans of either team and we couldn’t get together with friends. We did however make delicious smoked spare rib nachos! They were amazing!

Today the incredible Leslie Hachtel asks us: What is your dream gift to receive this year?

Honestly, my dream gift would be to be able to go travel somewhere. I’m tired of being stuck at home. I would love to go to Canada right now even though they have a ton of snow. I miss St. John’s so much.

My in-laws have a place on Maui and that would be a nice warm adventure. We went to Lake Tahoe this past summer, but haven’t been up there since they got snow.

As you can see, I would just like to go anywhere! I know that’s important to be safe, so that’s what we are doing for the moment. However, I’m hoping that by the summer we might have the chance to travel even if it is just a little ways from home.

Other than that, I don’t really need anything. I think the hubs and I are just going to make a nice dinner, have some wine and watch a movie. Maybe try to go wine tasting or something fun like that.

That’s it for me today! Now you can continue on the hop to see what the wonderful A.S. Fenichel wants for Valentine’s Day or go back and see what the talented Leslie Hachtel had to say. Until next time!


2 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly ~ My Sweet Valentine”

  1. Scotland. Ive always wanted to move there. Id love a ticket to at least fly and visit.
    We usually dont celebrate Valentines Day tho. God knows I need no candy. Flowers die. I prefer plant periennels.

  2. I would love to be surprised. The last year has been so dreary punctuated with moment of extreme terror and sadness. I would love a surprise that lifted my heart. Happy comes to mind.

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