Romance Writers Weekly ~ My Christmas Wish

Our tree is up! Our tree is up! We are slowly decorating the house for Christmas. I’m putting together the holiday cards, I write out a couple each night. My husband has put up the lights and my kids are running around crazy.

If you missed what the amazing Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the talented Leslie asks us what we really want for Christmas and why.

Well I’d really love for the Corona Virus to go away, but I know that will be a while yet. (I can keep wishing it will disappear in 2021 right??)

We didn’t get to make it up to St. John’s, Canada this year and that is all I really wanted to do. If I could have one thing, that would be it. We haven’t been to St. John’s since my son turned one, and now he’s 6! So it’s been a while. I miss it so incredibly much.

I miss the cold, salt, ocean breeze. The snow, the beautiful summers and overall friendliness of the people. I wish we could be there now. We were supposed to have two weeks there to travel and visit friends. I’m hoping we get to go in 2021. That’s all I really want this year.

How about you? What do you want for Christmas? Continue on the hop to see what the incredible A.S. Fenichel wishes for. Until next time!


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